With everything that’s going on around me, speaking literally and figuratively, I’ve taken a step back to regroup and renew. You’ll hear me talk about that a little more often as I create my next work. I am learning to listen to my body and mind when it comes to the creative process, mainly because the business aspect of this industry is ever changing and moves at such a fast pace that if you blink twice you may miss something crucial to your professional growth.
And while I know that stepping back from the creative process may seem counter-productive, for me it is a necessity. Every author works differently. Some thrive in a fast paced, multi-tasking environment possessing the ability to move between promoting, writing and networking. Others move slower doing one task at a time to ensure they get it right. I fall into the latter category.
The ebb and flow for me is one that I relish, immersing myself into the creative process of creating memorable characters delicately interwoven into a plot that can either be faced paced (i.e. Bruthas) or at a slower pace to build drama and suspense (i.e. Plantation.)
When I experience a set-back, whether it be major or minor, I have to take a step back to figure out the best way of handling the problem because as a writer and businessman, I’ve found this to be a necessity.

I now take a step back when I need it, much like when you listen to your body when you’re tired, anxious, or just plain worn out. For me those breaks can last for days or even weeks. But my circumstance is not yours. We are all different and like writing styles, we are a diversified bunch, each with the same goal in mind which is to create and hope that you are well received by your audience both monetarily and enthusiastically.
I take a step back to take stock of my mistakes hoping that I catch them before I present them to the world. And if I don’t, I brush it off and keep it moving.
The key is that I move at a pace that works for me. I set realistic goals and give it all much consideration. But I’m finding that as I approach retirement age, it is a must for me to take things a little slower so that I enjoy the journey and not worry about the destination because at some point or another, I will get there.
What say you?
~ J.L. Whitehead